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Wappalyzer Pricing


Wappalyzer is a web browser extension that analyzes and reports on the technologies and platforms used to build and run websites. The extension is designed to help developers, marketers, and other users understand the technologies and tools that are being used on a particular website, and to provide insights into the capabilities and features of the website. Some of the specific capabilities of the Wappalyzer extension include the ability to identify the programming languages, frameworks, and other technologies used to build a website, as well as any third-party services or tools that are being used, such as analytics or marketing platforms. Wappalyzer is aimed at developers, marketers, and other users who want to understand the technologies and platforms used to build and run websites, and is particularly well-suited for users who are looking to identify potential competitors or partners, or to learn more about the capabilities of a particular website. The extension is available for a variety of web browsers and can be accessed from a variety of devices and platforms.






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